I mentioned in a couple of other posts that we've had visitors recently. Mostly of the fur-baby variety. Of course we had our two main fur-babies in tow:

Sully-man loves chewing on bones!

And the always adorable (and rarely
snuggly) baby Monk.

Another shot of the always
snuggly Sullivan. He doesn't want to get off the bed, even when I'm trying to make it so I just make it around him! Always sleepy!

Recently she's been laying in her kennel to get some
nap time in. A rare, but adorable moment.

Onto the visitors- Snoopy checking things out while my mom is hard at work. My mom, Steve, Snoopy, and
Fergie all came to "help" us with the tiling project. The only one who did any helping with tiles was my mom. Steve was on dog-wrangling duty.

Our neighbors think we're running a kennel around here! Check out those 5 food bowls.
Fergie, Monkey, Sully, Snoopy, and Sammy. All -y/
ie names!

Here's the whole pack in action. They're begging for treats, shocker huh?
Fergie and Snoopy sniffing around downstairs.

Mr. Samuel trying to catch some
zzz's. Have you noticed Snoopy is in every picture? It's because he's the resident
Sheriff. He's got to be in on all of the action and regulate behavior. If the others get too wild, he's quick to simmer them down

The two fur-babies getting some time with Steve. Or really, Steve getting some time with his buddies.
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