For Christmas this year, my mom gave me two incredible gifts: tiles for our kitchen
backsplash and a coupon for her help installing them! We have been eyeing these glass mosaic tiles with stainless steel mixed in. It was the perfect complement for our stainless steel appliances and white cupboards. We decided to take advantage of the three day weekend to tackle this project.

Tim frequently
referred to himself as
sponge boy throughout the duration of this project. He was always
sponging off the tiles for us.

My approach was definitely more is better. Half of the time, it was easier to use my hands to get the grout on the wall then scrape it with the trowel.

My mom hard at work cutting the mosaic tiles to fit! There's Snoopy (more on our visitors in a later post).
Here are a few up close shots of the tile. You can see that it has several shades of grey, white, and stainless steel. We replaced all of the outlets, switches, and covers in white to match our cabinets (formerly they were cream). We used a pre-mixed grout in sandstone. It's a nice tan color. Not too dark, not too light. It matches the reddish tan shades in our countertop.
Tim installed a nice piece of trim around the edges of the tile. It's crisp white, just like our cabinets.
Check out that kitchen! It looks brand new! A total transformation with new appliances, countertops, sink, cabinet paint, hardware, and tile backsplash.

Up next, Kitchen
Phase 5: Wall Paint. Do you have any suggestions? We would love to hear it! We're still in the process of choosing a wall color.